
Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 4, 2012

To Eat or not To Eat

The use of MSG is still so widespread that it is quite impossible to determine whether it has been used or not to make the food you are about to eat taste better. True there may be bold signs or claims that menus are stripped of all MSG use but that’s only as far as it goes for as with most people, it is very difficult to determine its use unless you have some specific reaction to the additive we all know as MSG. Even a trip to the local deli might have you grabbing a dose of the stuff and a trip to the nearest fast food for a quick lunch is another sure way to load up. Not many establishments would openly advertise they use it but honesty is still the best policy and that isn’t necessarily good for business in a sense according to them.
Considered safe for use on food as an additive by the USFDA, one of the most stringent government health offices the world over, there are still quite a few exaggerated claims of ill side effects of its use. There may be cases of interaction between existing medical conditions or drugs that can lead to hyper-sensitivity to the stuff but statistics place the numbers at so low levels they do not warrant aggressive barring from use.

Beautiful Eyes, How?

Eye shadows have been used since ancient times to enhance the eyes and to bring focus towards the expressive windows into the soul. For those with ivory complexions, neutral shades as well as blue-greens. reddish-browns and cool purple hues work best highlighting the eyes on an otherwise bright face toning down your skin tone. Beige skin, use taupe, greens, warm brown’s, deep plums and tawnie’s work in the same way. For darker skin tones or bronze skin, use darker and bolder shades avoiding bright ones that would look artificial and unnatural.
Your iris or eye color can also be used to continue the drama of your eyeshadow, taking clue from their eyes. contrast is the key to a good effect allowing you to bring more attention to your face and thus making it as presentable as possible. Application is also key, so keep tab on the many resources on the internet for such steps which would be in the form of video, narratives and many more, for beginners use the video selections which shows the actual process making it easier.

Teen Bias on Acne – Still Out There

We’ve been told again and again, acne is a part of adolescent life and nothing much can be done about it (till maybe someone invents a time machine that would allow you to skip that stage of life). But the world being a very biased and judgmental place, bias towards teens who do have acne and sometimes severe cases are still suffering from taunts and psychological despair that leads them to avoid a healthy and normal life. The human psyche is so fragile that anyhing wrong within is caught on by the body and manifested commensurately, stress leads to depression and more serious illnesses. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder buy true beauty comes from within.

Arometherapy for cellulite

Skin massage has often been touted as a treatment for cellulite, and three essential oils can help the proces: juniper, lavender, and rosemary.
Juniper and rosemary are both diuretic oils that stimulate blood flow, improve circulation, and reduce puffiness, swelling, and water retention. These qualities are important in relation to cellulite when you consider that it is the result of fluid accumulation in the fatty layer of the skin. This happens when there are problems in the microcirculation, and its’ believed to be associated with our hormones – especially estrogen.
Lavender is a beautifully scented oil that is relaxing and great for stress. But it also has benefits for the skin. It is toning, and has a revitalizing effect.
When these three oils are combined with a therapeutic carrier oil, they can be massaged into the skin for a good alternative cellulite remedy.


Water is the key to beautiful skin. We need to hydrate our body in any way we can. Through moisturizing the outer layer of the skin with the use of many kinds of lotions having different scents and textures. Through spraying hydrating spritzes in the middle of the day or amid a busy task in order to invigorate. By using hydrating pills and drinking extra powerful juices that are more potent than water in terms of rehydrating the body. With the use of moisturizing make-up and eating watery fruits and vegetables. Everything is about hydration actually, so its best if we could keep it up as part of our routine in our daily lives. To be beautiful, keep yourself wet, literally speaking. Do not forget to hydrate your body in any way possible.

Beauty Drink

Today, drinking green tea has become a daily regimen. It is now extensively sold in all grocery chains and other market areas too. But as a matter of fact, the benefits of green tea has been widely acknowledged centuries ago. Aside from it’s a regular drink, you can also find beauty products and vitamins containing green tea because of its affordability. It has natural ingredient that flushes toxins from the body and at the same time improves fat oxidation than other power boosting beverages. Most green tea products are sold as dried leaf tea but there are readily available capsules and liquid preparations in the market.

Cream blush rush

If it’s been a while since you last updated your makeup kit, here’s a good addition to your collection: cream blush. No brushes needed, just a touch on the cheeks using your fingers is enough to give you that natural sun-kissed look. A great thing about cream blush is that it’s handy to bring along for quick touch-ups.
A lot has been said about DuWop Blush Therapy and makes it worth mentioning. It’s in stick form for easy application without any mess. Nearly all the makeup brands have joined the cream blush bandwagon, so there’s a great selection in practically as many shades as powder blush.