
Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 4, 2012

To Eat or not To Eat

The use of MSG is still so widespread that it is quite impossible to determine whether it has been used or not to make the food you are about to eat taste better. True there may be bold signs or claims that menus are stripped of all MSG use but that’s only as far as it goes for as with most people, it is very difficult to determine its use unless you have some specific reaction to the additive we all know as MSG. Even a trip to the local deli might have you grabbing a dose of the stuff and a trip to the nearest fast food for a quick lunch is another sure way to load up. Not many establishments would openly advertise they use it but honesty is still the best policy and that isn’t necessarily good for business in a sense according to them.
Considered safe for use on food as an additive by the USFDA, one of the most stringent government health offices the world over, there are still quite a few exaggerated claims of ill side effects of its use. There may be cases of interaction between existing medical conditions or drugs that can lead to hyper-sensitivity to the stuff but statistics place the numbers at so low levels they do not warrant aggressive barring from use.

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